Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday 2/21/09

Today the weather was just about perfect. We did our laps around the park on the bicycles after breakfast, then I went over and did some laundry while Pat helped Stan (neighbor behind us) bury an electric cable. Since I had been so lax at my laundry since our return from CA I had four loads, but instead of drudgery, I find it is a great time to meet and chat with other ladies (and sometime men) from the park. It really makes the time go quickly and you make new friends. You also find that most times you have a lot of things in common (other than escaping a state where winter is cold).

After our chores were done we went to the pool for a couple of hours and relaxed with other people doing the same. For dinner Pat cooked the most delicious chicken breast with green peppers, onions and mushrooms. Since the evening was probably the warmest and best since we’ve been here we walked down to Roberts to see if they and Corky would like to go in to town and see a movie with us. It was still beautiful when we came out of the theatre at 9:45 or so.

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